Student is expected to be on time (3 minutes to get from one class to another)
Students are expected to bring gym NMS HF shirt, NMS shorts (preferably black shorts if bringing own), and athletic shoes, and fully dress out every day.
Uniforms are $10 for the shirt and $10 for the shorts. Cash only.
You are able to purchase more than one set of clothes if needed.
Student is expected to take gym clothes home to wash at least once a week. Make sure to bring them back after washing.
Student must keep all belongings in their gym locker, which includes backpacks, uniforms, electronic devices, sweaters/ jackets, etc.
Student is expected to keep their gym locker clean.
Food and gum are not allowed in the gym area or in gym locker.
Electronic devices are not allowed in the gym area unless specifically stated by the Coach.
Students are expected to participate to the best of their ability with maximum effort possible.
Please do not touch any equipment in the gym until the Coach gives instructions to do so.
Enter locker room and immediately go to your locker to dress out. (Change before using restroom) You have 5 minutes to dress out and proceed to the gym area and sit in your assigned attendance spot.
No sharing of lockers is permitted. Do NOT give your locker combination to any other students.
Bathrooms are for bathroom use only – do not change in the bathroom stalls.
Wash your hands after using restroom.
Once you leave the locker room you may not go back inside.
See one of the Coaches immediately if you are having problems in the locker room. (lock, locker, other student, etc.)
Locker room is only accessible to you during your PE period. Locker room is locked during classes once all students have exited and only unlocked again at the end of classes when students return to dress out.
Please do not knock, kick, hit, or bang on the locker room doors.
No horseplay in the locker room areas.
No glass bottles are permitted in lockers.
No electronic devices are permitted to be out or used in the locker room.